The Jim Dixon Sermon Library Podcast

This podcast contains the sermons of Dr. Jim Dixon, founding Senior Pastor of Cherry Hills Community Church in Highlands Ranch.

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Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon delves into the life of Jacob, emphasizing four vital life lessons. He underscores the importance of avoiding deceit, persevering in love amidst challenges, nurturing heavenly dreams, and persistently striving for blessings. The sermon encourages listeners to embrace these lessons in their own spiritual journeys, fostering integrity, endurance, and a closer connection with God.
Genesis 25:29-34, 27:36, 32:22-30
Delivered November 3, 2002

Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon expounds on the lessons from Rebekah's life, emphasizing the significance of believing in divine election and embracing a servant's heart. Rebekah's chosen status and servant-heartedness underscore the call for Christians to bear fruit, serving with humility and love. The sermon encourages living out one's faith through both God's calling and selfless service.
Genesis 25:19-28
Delivered October 27, 2002

Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon focuses on the life lessons derived from the life of Isaac. Isaac's role as a father is explored, emphasizing the dangers of parental partiality and the vital need for parental blessing. The sermon highlights how Christ's unconditional love and blessing provide hope and purpose for individuals, enabling them to find a sense of belonging and affirmation within the larger community of faith.
Genesis 27:26
Delivered October 20, 2002

Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon teaches from the life of Sarah, highlighting the significance of belief and unbelief in shaping lives. Sarah, the first Jewish matriarch, demonstrates how unbelief can lead to disastrous consequences, as seen in her attempt to fulfill God's promise through her own plans. However, through faith, Sarah eventually believed in God's promise, showing that, with faith, all things are possible.
Hebrews 11:8-16, Genesis 16:1-6
Delivered October 13, 2002

Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon preaches a sermon about Noah, emphasizing the contrast between ancient flood legends and the profound moral and spiritual depth of the biblical account. He highlights the need for faithfulness and moral integrity in a society marred by violence and immorality, stressing the urgency of revival. Through the story of Noah's ark, Dixon underscores God's promise to protect and save souls, urging listeners to share the Gospel and invite others onto the spiritual ark of salvation.
Genesis 6:5-22, Hebrews 11:7
Delivered September 15, 2002

Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon delivers a message on the life of Enoch, highlighting his unique walk with God. Enoch's exceptional faith and devotion are emphasized as he's said to have "walked with God." The sermon underscores the significance of aligning our goals and purposes with God's, actively sharing our faith, building the Church, and seeking Christ's character.
Genesis 5:21-24, Hebrews 11:5-7, I Thessalonians 4:13-18
Delivered September 8, 2002

Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon delves into the story of Cain and Abel, drawing lessons on stewardship, righteousness, and judgment. Highlighting the significance of recognizing God's ownership, he emphasizes the value of offering our best to God. He underscores that God's judgment extends to the heart, urging believers to embrace righteousness through Christ's imputed righteousness.
Genesis 4:1-16, Hebrews 11:1-4, I John 3:11-12
Delivered September 1, 2002

Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon focuses on the story of Adam and Eve from Genesis 3:1-24. He emphasized three key messages: humanity is the crown of God's creation, but fallen and in need of redemption; sin's impact requires the solution of Christ's sacrifice on the cross; and marriage is sacred and ordained by God. Dixon encouraged valuing human life, addressing sin through Christ, and nurturing marital relationships.
Genesis 3:1-24
Delivered August 25, 2002

Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon introduces the upcoming biblical biographies series, which aims to help believers grow more Christ-like. Dr. Dixon focuses on seeking divine knowledge and character through biblical biographies and contrasts the Gnostic view of exclusive knowledge with the Bible's inclusive message of divine knowledge for all. He emphasized that knowing the Bible isn't enough; transformation through character is crucial. 
Hebrews 11:23-12:2
Delivered August 18, 2002

Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon warns against the dangers of excessive desire and coveting. He shares stories that illustrate how these sins can lead to destructive behaviors and emphasizes that coveting often results in violating multiple commandments. Dr. Dixon offers remedies to overcome coveting, including finding worth in Christ, rejoicing in others' blessings, and redirecting passion towards service and ministry.
Exodus 20:17
Delivered July 14, 2002

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