
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon discusses the life of Abraham and his significant role in biblical history. Dr. Dixon emphasizes how God's provision is intricately linked to His call. Abraham's journey from Ur to Canaan exemplifies this principle, as his obedience to God's call led to blessings and provisions beyond his expectations.
Genesis 11:1-18
Delivered September 29, 2002

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon discusses the significance of being a peacemaker according to the seventh beatitude from Matthew 5:9. Dr. Dixon emphasizes three dimensions of peace: international peace between nations, interpersonal peace between individuals, and divine peace between people and God.
Matthew 5:1-12
Delivered March 4, 2001

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon preaches on biblical miracles, explaining the Greek words used to indicate miraculous instances: "teras" (wonder), "dunamis" (supernatural power), and "semeion" (sign). Miracles inspire awe and confirm the gospel's credibility. Dr. Dixon emphasizes focusing on Jesus and the gospel rather than just miracles.
I Corinthians 12:27
Delivered November 5, 2000

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon explores Jesus's title the "Bread of Life" from John 6:35. The sermon discusses two meanings of this title: first, Jesus' teachings are nourishment for the soul; second, His body as the Bread of Life represents His sacrifice on the cross. The sermon emphasizes faith in Christ and His sacrifice for salvation.
John 6:35
Delivered January 11, 1998

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon reflects on Jesus's parable of the mustard seed. He highlights that the kingdom of heaven starts small but grows. He encourages Christians to prioritize the growth of Christ's kingdom and emphasizes that true security is found in the kingdom of heaven rather than worldly pursuits.
Matthew 13:31-32
Delivered on March 29, 1998

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon preaches on the "Parable of the Talents," explaining that the parable isn't about personal development, but about the kingdom of heaven's growth. Dr. Dixon examines three words used to describe the servant who buried his talent: "useless," "slothful due to fear," and "wicked in effect." He emphasizes the importance of being useful and avoiding harm to the kingdom.
Matthew 25:14-30
Delivered May 17, 1998

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon's sermon on "Old and New Treasure" focuses on the enduring significance of the Bible. He highlights its role in providing spiritual life, moral guidance, and a sense of mission for believers.
Matthew 13:51-52; 5:17-19
Delivered July 19, 1998

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon discusses the Parable of the Pearl of Great Value. He emphasizes two teachings: first, that the kingdom of heaven is meant to be actively sought; second, that the worth of the kingdom is immense. Dr. Dixon extends an invitation to recommit to Jesus and His kingdom.
Matthew 13:45-46
Delivered October 25, 1998

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon delivers a powerful message on Evangelism Sunday, urging believers to fulfill the Great Commission. Drawing from Luke 10:25-37, he highlights the importance of loving one's neighbors and building bridges of communication and compassion. The sermon emphasizes that the effort to share the Gospel matters most, as Christians are called to be salt and light in the world, making an impact for Christ.
Luke 10:25-37
Delivered September 12, 1999

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon dives into the meaning of the sixth commandment, "Thou shalt not kill," exploring its implications. He emphasizes that the commandment refers to the premeditated murder of human beings, encompassing issues such as abortion and euthanasia. Dr. Dixon touches on violence in media and global poverty, emphasizing the importance of valuing human life and avoiding anger, as anger can lead to spiritual, emotional, and physical harm.
Exodus 20:13
Delivered Jun 9, 2002