
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon emphasizes two life lessons drawn from the story of King Omri in the Bible. Omri, once a ruler of Israel, fell into the sins of syncretism and pluralism: combining different religions and equating different religions, both of which compromise the purity of faith. Dr. Dixon warns against the prevalent religious syncretism and pluralism in America, urging a steadfast commitment to the exclusive truth of Christianity.
I Kings 16:21-28
Delivered September 14, 2003

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon explores the concepts of genuine worship and false worship, using the story of Jeroboam. Genuine worship involves loving and serving God with utmost devotion, demonstrated through acts of submission and service. On the other hand, false worship involves serving anything other than God, leading to spiritual decay and judgment.
I Kings 12:25-31
Delivered August 17, 2003

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon focuses is on the biblical story of Rehoboam and the life lessons derived from his leadership decisions. Rehoboam's false philosophy of leadership and his choice of bad counsel led to the division of Israel into two kingdoms. The message emphasizes the importance of a servant leadership philosophy, where greatness is found in serving others, and encourages seeking wise counsel.
I Kings 11:42-12:11
Delivered August 10, 2003

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon delves into the significance of contrition in this second sermon on David's life. Drawing from the story of King David's remorse and repentance after his sin with Bathsheba, Dr. Dixon emphasizes the importance of feeling remorse for one's wrongdoing and genuinely resolving to change. He underscores the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, urging listeners to seek contrition and invite the Spirit's presence in their lives.
II Samuel 12:1-10
Delivered July 20, 2003

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon focuses on the virtues of courage and generosity as exemplified by the biblical figure David. Dr. Dixon reflects on the story of David's courage in facing the giant Goliath, emphasizing the need for courage in embracing, keeping, and sharing one's faith. He also highlights David's remarkable generosity, both financially and in showing mercy, urging listeners to adopt a similar attitude in their own lives.
I Samuel 17:32-50
Delivered July 13, 2003

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon examines the roles of prophet, priest, and judge in the context of Samuel's life, while drawing parallels to fatherhood. Samuel, often referred to as the last of the judges, fulfilled the roles of prophet by speaking forth God's word, priest by interceding for the people, and judge by administering justice. The sermon emphasizes the importance of these roles in parenting.
I Samuel 7:15-17, 8:1-7
Delivered June 15, 2003

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon focuses on the concept of being consecrated to God and separated from the fallen world, using the story of Samson and the Nazarite vow. He emphasizes that just as Samson was consecrated to be a vessel for God's use and separated from sin, believers are also called to live lives set apart for God's purposes and to seek righteousness.
Judges 16:15-21
Delivered June 8, 2003

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon delivers a sermon on the importance of priorities and discernment using the life of Jephthah. Highlighting the tendency to lose sight of what truly matters, he emphasizes valuing family, people, and God's kingdom. He warns against loving power over people and encourages seeking transformation through God's Word. The sermon also underscores the need to discern the spiritual battles we face, reminding us to test everything by the truth of the Scriptures.
Judges 11:29-39
Delivered June 1, 2003

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon in this Palm Sunday sermon explores the themes of nationalism, war, and the soul. He explores the strong nationalism of the crowd at Jesus's entrance into Jerusalem—their hopes for Jesus as a national hero and expectation that he would lead a war of liberation. Dr. Dixon reminds us of our dual citizenship, urging us to be good citizens of both our earthly nation and the Kingdom of heaven, emphasizing spiritual warfare and eternal purpose in our lives.
Luke 19:28-44
Delivered April 13, 2003

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Dr. Jim Dixon explores the themes of trusting God's presence and power in life's challenges, drawing lessons from the story of Gideon. He emphasizes that God's constant presence and miraculous power can transform our circumstances and lead us to victory. The sermon underscores the importance of relying on God's guidance and provision, inspiring a deeper trust in His unfailing love.
Judges 6:11-16
Delivered April 6, 2003