The Jim Dixon Sermon Library Podcast

This podcast contains the sermons of Dr. Jim Dixon, founding Senior Pastor of Cherry Hills Community Church in Highlands Ranch.

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Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon delivers a sermon on the Armor of God, emphasizing the importance of anchoring one's life in the Gospel of Peace. He explains that the Gospel is the foundation of inner peace, offering forgiveness, assurance of salvation, and the promise of a meaningful life.
Ephesians 6:10-17
Delivered July 20, 2008

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon concludes the series on Eden. Drawing from John Milton's writings, Dixon discusses the concept of regaining paradise through faith in Christ. He compares the Church to the restored paradise, emphasizing its symbolic significance in Revelation 21 and 22. Dr. Dixon underscores the importance of the Church's role in embodying heaven on Earth and emphasized the promise of eternal life, new bodies, and a new heavens and earth.
Revelation 21:1-14
Delivered June 29, 2008

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon delivers a sermon on the theme of approaching God and making offerings. He discusses the story of Cain and Abel from Genesis 4, highlighting how Abel's offering was accepted due to his faith, while Cain's was rejected due to his heart. Dr. Dixon emphasized bringing time, talent, and treasure to the altar. He reflected on the importance of dedicating time, utilizing talents for God's work, and giving generously, emphasizing the need to surrender all to God.
Genesis 4:1-8
Delivered June 15, 2008

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon explores the story of Adam and Eve's fall into sin from Genesis 3:1-8. He discusses how people often handle sin by overlooking it, trying to overpower it through self-discipline, or seeking to compensate for it through good deeds. However, the ultimate solution lies in Jesus Christ, who offers forgiveness and transformation.
Genesis 3:1-8
Delivered June 8, 2008

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon discusses the concept of "goodness" and its relevance in the context of creation, humanity, and the fallen state of the world. He reflects on God's creation of the universe, plants, animals, and humans, emphasizing their inherent goodness. He urges listeners to strive to please God, benefit the earth, and maintain moral purity as they serve the cause of goodness and bring a little bit of paradise to the world.
Genesis 1:26-31
Delivered May 25, 2008

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon explores the concept of God and the nature of existence based on Genesis 1:1. He discusses the plural term "Elohim" used for God and its potential connection to the Trinity. Dr. Dixon emphasizes that God possesses life in Himself, offering eternal life to humanity through Christ. He critiques atheistic arguments and stresses the reasonableness of faith.
Genesis 1:1
Delivered May 18, 2008

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon discusses the essence of worship and belief based on Hebrews 11:6. He emphasizes that worship involves both intellectual assent and a commitment of life. He illustrated that true belief is not merely acknowledging but actively entrusting oneself. Dixon highlighted the importance of understanding biblical truth amidst deceptive forces, urging listeners to worship God through genuine belief.
Hebrews 11:6
Delivered May 4, 2008

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon discusses the importance of family worship. He highlights the early Christian monastic movement, the role of the church in family worship, and the significance of parents' involvement in nurturing their children's faith. The sermon emphasizes dedicating children to the Lord, setting an example of worship, and serving God as a family.
Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Delivered April 20, 2008

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon explains the significance of listening to God as a foundational aspect of worship. Drawing from Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Dr. Dixon emphasizes the importance of actively listening to God's voice, avoiding deaf ears and itching ears. He discusses the Shema, highlighting its role in Jewish worship, and urges the congregation to seek both the "logos" (mind of God) and "rhema" (application to circumstances) through worship and study of the Bible. 
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Delivered April 13, 2008

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Dr. Jim Dixon delves into the sources of inspiration to worship, highlighting both external and internal facets. He explores how miracles, music, nature, and even fellow Christians can stir the spirit to worship. However, the core of worship lies within believers, who, as living temples of God's Spirit, are uniquely equipped to offer genuine adoration and praise. Dixon emphasizes the transformative power of encountering God through prayer.
Exodus 20:1-8
Delivered March 30, 2008

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